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Blรกthรบ Class for Children with Autism and Complex Needs; All Saints’ N S, Doohamlet NS, Castleblayney, Co. Monaghan

Phone: 0429741498
Service Short Description:

Blรกthรบ is an ASD Early Intervention Class for children aged 3 - 6 years located at All Saints' NS, Doohamlet, Castleblayney, Co. Monaghan. We are keen to ensure that any and every child requiring an ASD placement is informed of our school and the opportunity for placement in the ASD class. We are happy to accept mid-year enrolments.

Scouting within Cavan/Monaghan

Phone: 0860474306
Service Short Description:

The Aim of Scouting Ireland is to encourage the social, physical, intellectual, character, emotional and spiritual development of young people so that they may achieve their full potential and, as responsible citizens, to improve society.

Our Generation – Youth Work Ireland

Phone: 0860675332
Service Short Description:

The Youth Work Ireland OG team will be providing a lot of wonderful opportunities for young people to develop their knowledge around issues such as emotional well-being, sexual health, and leadership through the Be Well Programme, YES Project, and The Youth Fund. We will be delivering across the border counties of Cavan, Monaghan, Sligo, Leitrim, and Donegal.ย 

Want to be listed in our directory?

Services must:

Be based in Cavan/Monaghan or provide a service to children, young people or families
(0 to 24 years of age, plus pre-birth services) in Cavan/Monaghan
Be a state supported or not for profit service or agency
Be non-political and non-commercial
Please note that this is not a bulletin board for events; it is a directory of agencies that provide an ongoing service to children, young people and families.

Final decisions on website content, including whether or not an individual service is listed, and on the content of listings, rests with the administrators of the website.

  • ยฉ Cavan Monaghan CYPSC Directory 2019
  • Digital Agency 2019
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