- Cavan Town
- Cavan - North
- Cavan - South
- Cavan - West
- Cavan - East
- Monaghan Town
- Monaghan - Clones
- Monaghan - Ballybay
- Monaghan - Castleblayney
- Monaghan - Carrickmacross
Cavan/ Monaghan
- Service provided at various locations throughout the area covered
- Service provided in person's own home
Service is outreach based and at service user's home.
- Charges depend on income / circumstances of service user
HSE and Tusla funded
- Through Tusla Child and Family Social Workers
- Through HSE services (e.g. Psychology, Speech & Language, Public Health Nurses, HSE Social Work / other HSE health professionals)
The service can be accessed through HSE and Tusla referrals
- Pre-birth
- Early years (0-6 years)
- Primary school age (4-12 years approx.)
- Post-primary school age (13-18 years approx.)
- Young adults (18-24 years)
- Adults (25-64 years)
- Adults (65+ years)
- Other (please specify)
Service is provided for vulnerable adults and children
Outreach support
Family support
Access support
Transition support
Children and adults with support needs, including individuals with intellectual difficulties, autism, mental-ill health, behavior of concern, elderly and complex needs
We are social and health care professionals delivering heartfelt support and social care services to our clients nation wide.
Compassionately we provide support and services to people with intellectual disabilities, autism, mental ill health, older persons, behavior of concern while connecting individuals with the community and empowerment to achieve their potential.
CSCS is made up of compassionate, competent, highly skilled, talented, and courteous staff. We are aware of the importance of maintaining a high reputation as an organisation which is the reason that we emphasize customer service and satisfaction.