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Links – Youth Services & Activities for Young People
Boys’ Brigade
Find your nearest Boys Brigade group here.
The Boys’ Brigade will care for and challenge young people for life through a programme of informal education underpinned by the Christian faith.
ECO-UNESCO is Ireland’s Environmental Education and Youth Organisation affiliated to the World Federation of UNESCO Clubs, Centres and Associations (WFUCA).
European Youth Parliament
The European Youth Parliament (EYP) is a unique educational programme which brings together young people from all over Europe to discuss current topics in a parliamentary setting. As a network of independent associations, EYP is present in 39 European countries and organises almost 500 events every year. The EYP network organises almost 1,000 days of EYP activity every year, involving close to 28,000 participants.
Extern’s work delivers: • Outreach and accommodation for people who are homeless • Resettling, monitoring and supervision of people who have offended • Early intervention and prevention work with children, young people and their families • Learning and skills for those who are homeless and who are excluded
Find your nearest Foróige club / project / service here
Foróige’s purpose is to enable young people to involve themselves consciously and actively in their development and in the development of society. We work with 56,000 young people aged 10-18 each year through volunteer-led Clubs and staff-led Youth Projects. Foróige currently operates in 26 counties in Ireland, with 611 Foróige Clubs, 137 Youth Projects, the Big Brothers Big Sisters mentoring programme, the Foróige Youth Entrepreneurship programme, our Youth Citizenship and Youth Leadership programmes.
Girls’ Brigade
Find your nearest Girls’ Brigade group here.
The Girls’ Brigade is an International Uniformed Youth Organisation for girls of all ages, denominations, backgrounds and abilities. The Girls’ Brigade Ireland operates in 33 companies around the country, offering a varied programme of activities designed to educate, challenge and inspire young people in a safe, fun and sociable environment.
Girls’ Friendly Society
Find your nearest Girls’ Brigade group here
GFS is active in 80 branches throughout Ireland and plays an integrated part in the life of the Church and community, offering members education through fun, while helping them to live a Christian life. GFS exists to support the work and development of the local parish. With regular meetings, social events, festivals and youth camps it has the capacity to be a dynamic force in the Parish.
Irish Girl Guides
Find your nearest Irish Girl Guides group here
The Irish Girl Guides is a uniquely girl-only, youth-driven, active and dynamic organisation. It offers a varied and exciting programme for girls and young women aged 5-30, and opportunities for Leaders of all ages.
Irish Youth Justice Service
The Irish Youth Justice Service operates as an executive office located in the Department of Children and Youth Affairs. It has responsibility for leading and driving reform in the area of youth justice. It is staffed by officials from Department of Children and Youth Affairs and the Department of Justice and Equality. Léargas Léargas manages national and international exchange and cooperation programmes in education, youth and community work, vocational education and training and adult education. Léargas and the Higher Education Authority are appointed by the Department of Education and Skills to jointly manage the Erasmus+ programme in Ireland.
Leitrim Sports Partnership
Directory of sports groups in Leitrim here
Leitrim Sports Partnership aims to increase the number of people involved in sport or physical activity in Leitrim. There is a Local Sports Partnership in every county in Ireland and they operate under the umbrella of the Irish Sports Council. There are 15 on the board of Leitrim Sports Partnership, with representatives from Leitrim sporting organisations, agencies involved in sport related activities, community forum and elected representatives.
National Association for Youth Drama (NAYD)
Find your nearest youth theatre here
NAYD is the development organisation for youth theatre in Ireland.
National Youth Council of Ireland
The National Youth Council of Ireland is the representative body for national voluntary youth work organisations in Ireland. It represents and supports the interests of around 50 voluntary youth organisations and uses its collective experience to act on issues that impact on young people.
National Youth Health Programme
The National Youth Health Programme is a partnership between the National Youth Council of Ireland, the Health Service Executive and the Department of Children and Youth Affairs. We aim is to provide a broad-based, flexible health promotion / education support and training service to youth organisations and to all those working with young people in out-of-school settings.
No Name Club
Find your nearest No Name Club here
No Name Club is a National Voluntary Youth Organisation founded in 1978 with clubs throughout the country. No Name Clubs are run by and for young people aged 15 years + who come together in a safe and lively environments where there’s fun, friendship and enjoyment without the pressure of alcohol or other drugs.
Scouting Ireland
Find your nearest Scout Group here
Scouting Ireland is the National Scout Association for Ireland. Scouting Ireland has over 40,000 members across Ireland, with over 500 local groups, with Beavers (age 6-8), Cubs (age 9-11), Scouts (age 12-15), Venturers (age 15-17) and Rover Scouts (age 18-20).
Cavan Sport and Recreation Partnership
Click here for list of sports clubs and facilities in Cavan
Aims to support increased participation in sport and active recreation throughout County Cavan. In achieving this we provide assistance in the areas of sports development, education and training and general information on sporting activities in Cavan. We work in partnership with sporting clubs, community organisations and local agencies in achieving our goal of having more people, more active, more often.
Find your nearest swimming pool here
Encompassing the four provinces of Ireland, Swim Ireland is the governing body of swimming in Ireland.
Young Social Innovators
Young Social Innovators (YSI) believes that young people are a powerful and largely untapped force for change in their local communities and in wider society. Promoting and leading the way in education for social innovation in Ireland, Young Social Innovators encourages, motivates and creates new opportunities for young people to actively participate in the world around them.
Youth Advocate Programmes Ireland
Youth Advocate Programmes (YAP) Ireland is a leading provider of intensive support programmes for young people and families. YAP Ireland uses a strengths based, family focused approach for young people with complex needs leading to positive outcomes for the young people, their families and referral agents.
Youth Work Ireland
Youth Work Ireland is a federation of 22 Local Member Youth Services and a national office which combine and operate an Integrated Youth Services Model which delivers a range of targeted projects, services, youth clubs and programmes to young people. The aim of Youth Work Ireland and its Member Youth Services is to provide every young person with the opportunities to get tools for life and change communities.
Want to be listed in our directory?
Services must:
Be based in Cavan/Monaghan or provide a service to children, young people or families
(0 to 24 years of age, plus pre-birth services) in Cavan/Monaghan
Be a state supported or not for profit service or agency
Be non-political and non-commercial Please note that this is not a bulletin board for events; it is a directory of agencies that provide an ongoing service to children, young people and families.
Final decisions on website content, including whether or not an individual service is listed, and on the content of listings, rests with the administrators of the website.